Food & Agriculture Testing

Food & Agriculture Testing Laboratory

Food & Agriculture Testing

Food and agricultural testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and quality of our food supply. It involves a variety of analytical techniques that are used to detect and identify potential contaminants, pathogens, and other quality indicators in food and agricultural products. The importance of food and agricultural testing cannot be overstated, as it has far-reaching implications for public health, the environment, and the economy.

One of the primary reasons why food and agricultural testing is so important is because it helps to prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses. Contaminated food products can cause serious illness, hospitalization, and even death, and food testing is necessary to identify potential pathogens before they can cause harm. Testing also helps to prevent outbreaks of foodborne illness by detecting potential contamination in food products before they are distributed to consumers.

In addition to ensuring the safety of our food supply, agricultural testing is important for maintaining the quality of our food products. By testing for various quality indicators such as nutrient content, taste, texture, and appearance, food manufacturers can ensure that their products meet the high standards set by consumers. This can also help to prevent food waste, as products that do not meet these standards can be identified and discarded before they reach consumers.

Food and agricultural testing also has important implications for the environment. Testing for environmental contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and other chemicals can help to prevent soil and water pollution, as well as ensure that agricultural practices are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Testing can also help to identify potential environmental hazards and inform policy decisions related to environmental protection.

Finally, food and agricultural testing is important for the economy. By ensuring the safety and quality of our food products, testing helps to build consumer trust and confidence, which can lead to increased demand and higher revenues for food manufacturers. It also helps to prevent costly product recalls, which can have serious financial implications for manufacturers and distributors.

Types of testing:

  • Active Ingredients/Markers
  • Allergens
  • Antibiotic Testing
  • Banned Dyes & Colors
  • Beverages Testing
  • DNA Sequencing
  • Food Additives Testing
  • GRAS Studies
  • Food Microbiology Testing
  • Food Nutrition Testing
  • Food Shelf Life Studies
  • Food Packaging Testing
  • Heavy Metals Analysis
  • Herbal Medicines
  • HFSS (High Fat Salt Sugar)
  • Identification of Unknowns by Mass Spectrometry
  • Mycotoxins
  • Pesticide Residue Testing
  • Vitamins (Water & Fat Soluble)
  • Water Quality Analysis