Water & Beverages

Water Testing Labs

Water & Beverages

Water is one of the most essential resources for life on earth, and its safety and quality are vital for human health and the environment. One of the primary reasons why water testing is so important is because contaminated water can pose serious health risks. Waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and cryptosporidiosis can cause serious illness

Water testing is necessary to identify potential contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals before they can cause harm to humans or wildlife.

Water testing can help to identify potential pollutants and inform management decisions that can protect

Water testing also has important implications for industry and agriculture. Industrial and agricultural activities can generate pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and fertilizers that can contaminate water sources. Water testing can help to identify potential sources of contamination and inform management decisions that can minimize environmental impacts and prevent costly clean-up efforts.

water testing is important for building public trust and confidence in our water supply. By ensuring the safety and quality of our drinking water, water testing helps to build public trust in water suppliers and promotes consumer confidence. This can have positive economic implications, as businesses and industries rely on a reliable and safe water supply for their operations.

water testing is an essential tool for ensuring the safety, quality, and sustainability of our water resources. By detecting potential contaminants and pollutants, testing helps to protect public health, maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems, promote sustainable industrial and agricultural practices, and build public trust and confidence in our water supply.

Types of Test:

  • Water Quality Analysis
  • Virology & Parasitology
  • Bromate & Other Disinfectants
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Microbiological analysis
  • Pesticide residue screening
  • Heavy metals Analysis
  • Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
  • Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Volatile & Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs & SVOCs)